We are all born with a clear lens inside our eyes, and over time that lens becomes cloudy. The cloudy lens is called a “cataract”. The cataract can cause decreased vision, difficulty reading, as well as glare with bright lights. If not removed, a cataract can progress and eventually cause blindness. When a cataract is removed, it is replaced with a clear artificial lens implant. This helps in restoring vision!
Custom-Tailored Vision
If you could only wear one shirt for the rest of your life, wouldn't you want it to fit perfectly? Having cataract surgery is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The one-size-fits-all approach pushed by health insurance companies may work for some, but leaves a lot of people unhappy. Know all your options in order to make an informed decision. Your cataract surgery should be custom-tailored for you.

Custom-Tailored Vision in Cataract Surgery
Custom-Tailored Vision in Cataract Surgery

SPANISH - Custom-Tailored Vision in Cataract Surgery

VIETNAMESE - Custom-Tailored Vision for Cataract Surgery

CHINESE - Custom-Tailored Vision in Cataract Surgery
Cataract Surgery is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s not something that you can simply “redo” later. While one might consider buying a suit off-the-rack, what if it doesn’t fit perfectly? If you could only wear only ONE suit for the rest of your life, wouldn’t you prefer a custom-tailored suit?